Als wir neulich kurzentschlossen nach GAP zu unseren Freunden fuhren, habe ich für uns alle gewokt und bei der Gelegenheit gleich wieder jemanden angefixt. Die brauchen jetzt auch unbedingt nen Wok (Denise, ist der Wokbrenner schon bestellt?).
Not long ago we drove spontaneously to our friends in GAP and there I stir fried for us all and due to this I inspired someone. They definitely need a wok (hey Denise, did you already order your burner?).
Das Fleisch (jeweils ein drittel Rindfleisch, Schweinefleisch und Huhn) wurde mariniert mit Teriyaki, Sesamöl, Sojaysauce, Fischsauce und später noch mit geröstetem und gemörsertem Szechuanpfeffer im Wok gewürzt.
Als Sättigungsbeilage gab es Nudeln.
The meat (1/3 each beef, pork and chicken) was marinated with teriyaki, sesame oil, soy sauce, fish sauce and later seasoned with roasted and pestled Szechuan pepper in the wok.
As side we had noodles.
The picture with fire was really a WOW!And you inspired me as well that we should keep curious about something we don’t know & try it! From life style or food, maybe we are not so far away as we supposed.Keep on creating your menu!
Hi Faye! I’m really pleased reading your comments on my blog. You’re absolutely right, we have to keep curious because everytime you see or taste something new it is so exciting.

Well, hopefully at any time you get the chance to come to Germany to get in contact with our life style. And then I’ll mak a BBQ for us
And Faye, we never were that far away from each other